St. Pius X Youth Minister, Matt, participating in a bible study at camp.

 For Youth ministers

At Gasper River, we know that the work started at camp does not end here. We strive to not only help young people encounter Jesus Christ, but also empower them to be active members of their parish when they return home. We want to support parish youth ministry programs and connect youth ministers with their parishioners as much as we can.

Every May, we will email youth ministers a list of campers that have your parish listed on their camp registration as well as the dates that they will be at camp. If you have not received an email or would like to inquire about specific members of your parish, you can call our office or email our Program Director at


If you have children from your parish coming to camp, there are many ways you can support them during this experience. Here are some ways we have seen youth ministers do so in the past:

Visit your kids

We love having youth ministers visit camp while kids from their parish are here! It is a great way to show young people that they are important to you and your parish. If you have kids coming to camp that are not a part of your youth ministry program, this is an opportunity for them to meet you and get to know who you are. Youth ministers can visit for part of a day, a whole day, or be a volunteer counselor for a whole week (more info on that here). Counseling is a unique opportunity for you to walk alongside your kids as they grow closer to the Lord. If you are visiting for a day or part of a day, there are many ways for you to connect with your young people while you are here. Depending on the time of day, you can hang out with them at free time, join in their bible studies or small group discussions, go to Mass with them, sit with them during a meal, or go to Adventure Activities with them. If you plan to visit, please let us know ahead of time so we know when to expect you. You can call our office or email our Program Director at

*All visitors must have completed Safe Environment training through the Diocese of Owensboro.


Send mail

We have a daily mail call where campers can receive letters and postcards from friends and family. If you are unable to visit camp, this is a great way to let the kids from you parish know that you are thinking about them and praying for them. Because of delays with the post office, we recommend either giving letters to parents to give us when they drop off their kids or mailing them a week or more ahead of time. If your letter arrives before your camper, we will hold onto it. Please do not include food or candy in your mail to campers. Because of our many campers with food allergies, we do not allow outside food or snacks during summer camp.


Form a prayer team

Prayer is the best way we can support our brothers and sisters in Christ. Gather a group of people from your parish who will pray for your young people while they are at camp. You can have the prayer team send mail to the camper or you can send them a letter with the names of the people that are praying for them. In a time where many young people don’t feel like a valued member of the parish community, this is a fantastic way to let them know how important they are to you and the parish.


Check in with kids after they get back from camp

Most of the time, campers return home on fire for Christ and seeking a community to support them. This is a great time for you to check in, see where they are on their faith journey, and provide opportunities and support. If you would like more information on the faith teaching and experiences your young people will be having at Gasper, reach out to our Program Director at


Continue a small group

At Gasper River, we use a small group model for our faith teaching. Campers do activities, bible studies, prayer, and discussions in a group of 4-6 children of their same gender. When dividing into small groups, we encourage campers to choose people that they know and are close to so they can continue their faith community when they go home. If you use small groups or are looking to grow small groups in your youth ministry program, you might be able to continue and foster a small group that started at Gasper River.


Let parents know what you are doing

If you are supporting members of your parish while they are at camp, be sure to reach out and let the parents know what you are doing. This is a opportunity for you to build connections with them as well and for them to see your investment in their children.


Questions? Please call our office or send us an email. We know the importance of parish youth ministry and would love to support you in any way we can.