Adventure Activities

Low Elements Course

The Low Elements Course provides a wonderful opportunity for experiential learning.  Challenges, ranging from simple to very difficult and encourage groups to utilize teamwork, communication, problem solving and trust to accomplish their goals.  The elements include a trust walk, Trolleys, Holy Roller, TP Shuffle, The King's Finger, Whale Watch, Moon Walk, Spider Web,  Nuclear Fence, Lava Pit, Blind Maze, Wall, Elevator Escape, Labyrinth, Swamp Swap, and Trust Fall.  

Age Requirement: Varies By Element; Minimum 3rd Grade. Can take as much or little time as needed, but a minimum of an hour and a half is recommended.


Zip Line

Get ready to take a step out in faith! The zipline challenges participants to get out of their comfort zone and step out into the air.  A trained staff member will lead you through all of the steps for the ride of a lifetime on our 350 ft. zip line!  This challenge helps build self esteem, self confidence, communication and trust!  It's a Gasper River favorite!!!

Age Requirement: 5th Grade and up. Average time for a group of 12-15: 1 hour, 30 minutes*


Vertical Playground

Harness in and attempt to climb 4 separate stages-the rope ladder, the tires, the giant ladder and the cargo net to ring the cow bell at the top-a whopping 45 feet in the air!  This element challenges the participant to get way out of their comfort zone and see how high they can go.  

Age Requirement: 5th Grade and up. Average time for a group of 12-15: 1 hour, 45 minutes*


Giant Swing

The Giant Swing is an awesome group experience!  One person will be lifted up to 42 feet into the air by the rest of the group.  When the desired height is reached, the participant will pull the rip cord and go flying through the air!  This wonderful element challenges you go higher than you thought you could go and to work as a part of a team to lift others to new heights!

Age Requirement: 7th Grade and up. Average time for a group of 12-15: 2 hours*


Tower 68

Tower 68 is the newest addition to our adventure activities! Harness in and get out of your comfort zone by climbing our 50 ft. climbing tower. Tower 68 two sides- a flat beginner side and an advanced side with volumes to climb up or around. This challenge helps participants push themselves further than they thought they could, as well as promoting group encouragement.

Age Requirement: 5th Grade and up. Average time for a group of 12-15: 2 hours*



Let a trained staff member take you over the edge of our 25 ft. rappelling cliff overlooking the beautiful Gasper River.  Participants will learn to push themselves to the limit on this wonderful and safe activity.  Rappelling helps build self confidence, trust, community and communication.

Age Requirement: 7th Grade and up. Average time for a group of 12-15: 2.5 hours*


Jacob's Ladder

Grab a partner and challenge yourself on our most challenging element!  Climb the 30-foot Jacob's Ladder using only your partner and rungs of the ladder that get farther apart as you go. This challenge encourages teamwork, communication, and trust while helping individuals develop problem solving skills and self-confidence. 

Age Requirement: High School and up. Average time for a group of 12-15: 2-2.5 hours*


Leap of Faith

Take a leap of faith on our most adventurous activity! In this activity you will climb to the top of Tower 68, be hooked into a Free Flight device, and step off! This activity will encourage participants to get out of their comfort zone and step out in faith, pushing themselves further than they thought!

Age Requirement: High school and up. Average time for a group of 12-15: 2 hours*


Team  Building Activities

Gasper River staff can lead your group in engaging games and activities that build community and improve trust, communication and teamwork!  Sessions can be customized to meet your groups specific needs.  These initiatives encourage the team to think of a plan, act on their decision, and reflect on how they could improve as a team.

Age Requirement: 3rd Grade and up. Can take as much or as little time as needed.


*Length of activity can vary based on group dynamics, behavior, and maturity.


Additional Activities

Folk Dancing

Groups can get quite a work out while having a great time folk-dancing.  Learn the moves and have a wonderful time dancing and laughing. Folk dancing is led by a Gasper Staff member. It can be done with any sized group and usually lasts 1 hour.



One of the best ways to end a day on retreat is around a campfire.  We have 2 fire circles are located along the river which provide the perfect setting for s’mores, story telling, sharing, and reflection of the group’s experience. A Gasper staff will build and light the fire for you. We can also provide s’mores supplies if desired.



All those wishing to participate in games, activities or campfire must sign and turn in this form.  Due to insurance, we must have a Risk and Release form signed by any individual participating in activities lead by Gasper River staff.  Thank you for your cooperation. 

Click here to print the Risk & Release Form